Morning Motivator - Time Well Spent

"I want to live well later and has as much fun as possible now."
- Todd Shafer

As noted in the last Morning Motivator, this was a Vegas weekend with my buddies for a bachelor party.

I realized while we were on our ADVENTURE that I was living one of the BEST moments of my life. Consider this - how often do you REALLY get to take time and ENJOY your close friends? How much TIME are you spending INVESTING in your personal EXPLORATIONS? Are you allowing money to OVERSHADOW your desires to have fun?

I am becoming AWARE of the fact that my life is CHANGING rapidly. Relationships alter perspectives, friends grow closer or apart based on TIME allowances and personal ADVENTURE is often "back burnered" for more "RESPONSIBLE" decision making. Are you letting your best days slip by out of FEAR?

As a VERY conservative financial professional, I am often CHALLENGED with determining the REAL VALUE of my money spent when it comes to vacations/getaways.

Here is what I have implemented as a new SYSTEM for managing my "getaways". Once per quarter, I allow myself to take any 3 day vacation I wish. I do make efforts to recruit a friend to I can share TIME together and strengthen the relationship. By working 3-6 months in a advance, I am able to book flights and rooms inexpensively.

The TIME we have on Earth is very limited... Don't let a FEAR of security keep you from enjoying your DESIRE for adventure.



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