Morning Motivator - Is This REALLY What I Am Meant To Do?

"When you're doing the work you're meant to do, it feels right and every day is a bonus, regardless of what you're getting paid."- Oprah

How many people ACTUALLY do what they went to college for? Unless you are an attorney, a physician or an accountant, chances are you do something COMPLETELY different than what you ever dreamed for.

How many people feel PURPOSE in their work life and are PLEASED with their occupational selection? How many that ARE happy, sought it out? How many that are NOT fail to take ACTION in changing it?

As I FOCUS my dreams and begin to REALLY look at my life plan, I realize that CAREER will always be a major part of the puzzle. Should I be FOCUSED on a good safe career or on a PURPOSEFUL living, regardless of income? Can I ACHIEVE both?

Life is a result of the decision making process you employ over many years. Positive decisions will yield positive results. By denying an inner urge to DO SOMETHING, you will find frustration as a result.

If you are seeking a greater PURPOSE to your life, pursue it. If you don't know where to start... Start anywhere! Sometimes starting with something simple, like a daily blog, can focus and direct a positive change in your life... And maybe help the lives of others in the process.

Take ACTION, Take OWNERSHIP, Take CONTROL - Today is YOUR day to start living!


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