Morning Motivator - Going the Extra Mile

"It's never crowded along the extra mile."
- Wayne Dyer

Currently, I am sitting in a chair at the dentist's office, CONTEMPLATING what to write it in the Morning Motivator. A nice segway to making the efforts of going the "extra mile."

As I consider my lessons from yesterday, I begin to think about what makes certain experiences, discussions and relationships SPECIAL. What is it that makes that client experience GREAT or that special person so very SPECIAL? It is their WILLINGNESS to go the "extra mile."

When we consider at what point we QUIT making effort to see a project through to completion, we are making a DECISION to cease INVESTING into that person or task. How many deals have FAILED to close because the rep didn't want to make that late Friday appointment? How many break ups have ended SADLY because one of the two people would not make the effort to COMPROMISE? Are you an "extra mile" person?

When I consider what the "extra mile" is, I think of REALISTIC actions made to better a situation or relationship.

It is the effort of driving to see a client on a Saturday night because that's the ONLY time they can meet.

It is having that same discussion with a partner in order to ease their FRUSTRATIONS and ANXIETIES about moving forward on a project.

When you consider making the effort of the "extra mile," note that it is a MINDSET of dedication and responsibility. You are RARELY expected to meet clients late on weekends or drive your spouse to work as his/her car is getting repaired - so when you get the CHANCE to do it... OWN IT!


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