Morning Motivator – How Peace Will Improve Your Performance

"When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others."
- Peace Pilgrim

Here is an insight into me. It is my OBSESSIVE nature tends to have me FOCUS on something until I figure it out or learn to accept it – the gift and the curse. As a result of this RESTLESS drive to understand and overcome challenges, I often find myself learning to RATIONALIZE behaviors, decisions and actions.

What I am LEARNING from my perpetual analysis of ALL things – controllable and uncontrollable – is that finding PEACE within yourself is the CRITICAL KEY to success in any project, task, career or relationship. A special girl in my past would always say, "until you are happy with yourself – you can never be happy with anything else." As I am growing up now and understanding the WISDOM of this quote, I wonder how many others are faced with this very challenge.

Are you continually struggling to find PEACE in your career? Do you tend to OVERANALYZE every small detail of every past relationship (yours and others)? Do you find yourself bouncing from job to job or relationship to relationship searching for something MORE satisfying from the "next opportunity?" Do you have CLARITY on what that is?


As you begin to face down some of these questions, you are inclined to potentially LIE to yourself about the true concern within. In order to effectively DETERMINE your needs and challenges which are limiting you from finding the PEACE you are seeking, you MUST be very open about what your desires, passions and needs are in your career, love life and personal relationships.

Start with a blank piece of paper and a pen. Set a timer for 2 minutes. Write the words: WORK, LOVE, HEALTH, MONEY, PERSONAL and RECREATION. Start the clock and begin writing down a paragraph about WORK. It does not need to be grammatically correct – simply dump your brain. Stop at 2 minutes, then repeat with each word.

You will find yourself writing about the POSITIVE or NEGATIVE feelings associated with each and likely will find the areas of concern that are causing the most DISRUPTION in your personal PEACE. Write those in a note pad and carry it with you daily. Look at it as often as possible and think about the ways you can ENHANCE or OVERCOME these areas. In 30 days, you WILL see considerable gains.


*To enjoy past editions of the Morning Motivator go to –

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