- Rachel Naomi Remen
As creatures of COMFORT we are oft times most interested in finding ways to lessen our PAINS and increase our PLEASURES. Sounds fair enough. We all want more PLEASURE, right? What happens when we are IGNORANT to the fact that the greatest of pleasures is derived from INITIAL pains of labor and struggle?
The ADVENTURE of life is one that we often overlook. We are BLIND to the fact that we are on borrowed time and that at a moment's notice - we can have our OPPORTUNITY for the future taken from us. I don't intend to be grim or bleak here, rather to create a CONSCIOUSNESS and AWARENESS of reality. You have ONE opportunity to make the best of this life. It is your CHOICE to act with reserve out of fear or to take ACTION out of your zeal for life.
This is a great ADVENTURE we are undertaking. It has been eye opening for me to begin to look at my life and consider that I have lived with FEAR for a long time. Fear of losing a JOB, being hurt in a RELATIONSHIP, not being accepted by GROUPS or in GENERAL just not being good enough. Reality is... I cannot control MOST of that stuff anyways. Frankly, it's the PAIN of those experiences that make you SMARTER, BETTER and BETTER BALANCED in your life. Are you LIVING the ADVENTURE or just watching others do it for you..?
The challenge with FEAR is that we are all afraid of it. (very Yogi Berra, eh?) Seriously, we shy from stressful situations and painful relationships because we don't want to take on the struggle to make things work. The path of least resistance is so well walked that you can do it blindfolded.
The last time you did something truly DIFFICULT - how did you feel afterwards? Maybe you said, "Gosh, that wasn't that bad after all" or "I really feel like I accomplished something today. I'm glad I did that."
Amazingly, when you wake up tomorrow, you will allow your mind to tell you to STEER CLEAR of those challenging situations...go back to the easy stuff... it hurts less. BS! Don't let yourself get stuck in the trap - TAKE OWNERSHIP of your FUTURE and your HAPPINESS! Do what hurts when you know that the GOOD STUFF is on the other side... you will thank me for it later.
*To enjoy past editions of the Morning Motivator go to – http://grow-learn-lead.blogspot.com
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