Morning Motivator – You Get What You Ask For

"It's our attitude in life that determines life's attitude towards us."
– Earl Nightingale

Monday mornings are ALWAYS tough. You just finished two days of doing what YOU wanted to do on YOUR schedule. No wonder everyone DREADS the Monday morning meeting. Do you ever wonder if there are people that wake up on Monday morning MORE excited than they did Saturday? Is it even POSSIBLE… rather PROBABLE?

When you wake up Monday morning… what is the FIRST thought that races through your head? Is it POSITIVE? Are you FOCUSED on the achievements you will be able to make this week? Many people wake up on a Monday morning with 1 strike against them. The FIRST thought that goes through their mind is: "I hate Mondays" or "I'm sooo tired" or "Do I really have to go back to THAT place again?" Do you realize what TONE you are establishing for yourself when you take this ATTITUDE first thing when awaking?

When you wake up and CHOOSE to have a good day – AMAZINGLY, good things begin happening. You make all the GREEN lights, you get the SWEET parking spot and the client you could NEVER get a hold of, FINALLY calls to place an order. When you make yourself AWARE of opportunity and available to POSITIVITY, you find that you begin to ATTRACT it. Your daily outcomes, your personal relationships and health are more affected by your MENTAL state than by any outside influence.

For the next week, make a CONCERTED effort to wake up and say a few positive AFFIRMATIONS to yourself. "I am going to have a GREAT day!" "Today I WILL accomplish my goals by lunch time." "I am going to IMPRESS everyone at work with my talents today."

When you make this effort and shift your mental FOCUS to one of POSITIVE engagement and implementation – measure the SUCCESS you achieve during the week. See if you are MORE capable of achieving your GOALS, realizing your POTENTIALS and MAXIMIZING your success.

Keep a strong mental focus and enjoy the benefits of everyone around being DRAWN to your inner strength! Have a great week… now get to work!


*To enjoy past editions of the Morning Motivator go to –

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