Morning Motivator - Are You a Jedi Master?

"Leadership must be earned by mastering a defined set of skills and by working with others to achieve common goals."
- David Cottrell

Ok, ok... The title is CHEESY, but I did get your attention. There is a REAL question here though. The question being: "how do I become successful?"

Some people are FORTUNATE enough to work in a "family" business where they have been trained since birth. Others are VISIONARY enough at a young age to know a greater education, such as medical or law school. For the rest of us, especially me, we better MASTER something to be successful. What can you master though?

To MASTER something is to be better than the majority of others. It does not mean the ABSOLUTE best, per se, rather better than the common person.

How do you become a master?

By CAREFULLY selecting a match of your passions and natural talents in a marketable role, coupled with extensive experience (learning by doing) and education (self learning by reading).

Once you become the MASTER of your skill, you will find that your success will follow and catch you soon after!


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