Morning Motivator - Do You Have The Will Power?

"The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather in a lack of will."
- Vincent J. Lombardi

In the New Year, most of us will give our BEST efforts to keep our New Year's Resolutions. Many people have ALREADY broken some. Almost ALL of us will NOT keep them... why?

Primarily, we set our resolutions around the person we want to BECOME with little recognition of the person we are today. We ESTABLISH goals that are so out of character from our current behavior patterns that it is near IMPOSSIBLE to make such drastic changes and expect them to stick.

Additionally, we set our goals around AREAS of our life that we lack the most will power in. We tell ourselves we WON'T eat anymore sweets, when we are used to having a bowl of ice cream after dinner every day. We CONVINCE ourselves we will wake up at 5am to run and read, since we failed to do well at that all last year, although we have CONSISTENTLY risen at 6:30am for years. What will help us better ACHIEVE our goals in this new year..?

... Will power and strategic planning! By setting goals that are SIMPLE, SMALL and MANAGEABLE - you will find the necessary will power to execute and succeed!

When you change your goals from, "I want to get up at 5am to run and read EVERY DAY" to "I WILL get up at 6am, Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday to read OR run." This is much more manageable and achievable. Once you are able to successfully manage this goal for 90 days... up the ante! Now do it daily!

All of your goals can be chunked down into manageable executables. Don't feel like you have to be the NEW, PERFECT version of yourself today. You must take steps and walk slowly to make sure you stay on the path. Remember, the best way to eat an ELEPHANT is slowly and one bite at a time.


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