Morning Motivator - The Key to a Better Life

"The key to a better life: Complain less, appreciate more. Whine less, laugh more. Talk less, listen more. Want less, give more. Hate less, love more. Scold less, praise more. Fear less, hope more."
– Michael Josephson

What is the "American Dream?". Some will say home ownership, some say "opportunity" and others say freedom of CHOICE. But what is the REAL dream?

In my discussions with people, most desire a good job, great friends and most importantly, TIME to search out their passions. How do we get there? You COULD... quit your job, braid hair on an island beach and chase your DREAMS from there. You COULD win the lottery (good luck!) Or... you COULD learn how to work through others to get what you want by giving them what THEY want.

This poses a GREAT question - WHAT do people around you want? Do you know? Have you ever taken the TIME to ask?

When you DECIDE to become a servant of others and ASSIST in the achievement of THEIR goals, you will find that the tables inevitably turn in your favor. Have you ever GIVEN of yourself without expectation of "payback?" Do you remember what OCCURRED as a result?

To better ATTAIN your dreams, start asking people about THEIRS. Seek ways to CONNECT them to others that can help move their passions more rapidly. Discover common interests that allow you to SHARE in efforts of development or growth. COMMIT yourself to helping ONE person this week ADVANCE their goals... and you will find the LAW OF ATTRACTION will kick in to bring you assistance in your life too!


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