Morning Motivator - How's Your Resolution?

"May all your troubles last as long as your New Year's resolutions."
– Joey Adams, comedian (1911-1999)

Funny thing about New Years Resolutions, most are BUSTED already. No worries though!! Now, you KNOW why they don't work...

I have discussed RESOLUTIONS a lot over the past week. Many points have been made about making MINOR adjustments to your behavior, rather than major ones. This also relates to your ATTITUDE.

When you hit the HURDLES of the new year - not getting that raise or gaining weight instead of losing it - your ATTITUDE will be the key determinant of how DIFFICULT it will be to rebound. If you DWELL on the "tragedy" (tongue in cheek), then expect it will linger for quite some time. If you look at it as a CHALLENGE, you will likely see a behavior change and the success you are seeking.

One of the BEST ways to manage your attitude is by writing down your feelings and next actions.

By creating a PHYSICAL reality to your situation and actions, you are more capable of RATIONAL considerations. This will prove most helpful in VERY challenging situations.

It only takes 5 mins and may be the best time you spend today!


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