Morning Motivator - A Better Way of Rewarding Achievements

"We spend a lot of time teaching leaders what to do. We don't spend enough time teaching leaders what to stop."
- Peter Drucker

When was the last time you received RECOGNITION for ceasing a poor activity? Who was the last person to be APPLAUDED for quitting a bad habit? Does anyone even care about the INEFFICIENCY in your company?

We all celebrate someone that LOSES 100lbs or quits smoking... As we should! However, we never see the CELEBRATION of a co-worker that has quit being LATE to work or forgetting to turn in paperwork. All are BEHAVIORAL patterns and yet BUSINESSES only CELEBRATE your successes...

Is in not EQUALLY as important to CLOSE the big deal, as to CEASE messing up the paperwork? What if you could ELIMINATE all the poor behaviors that cause hardship in your company? Do you think that would AFFECT the bottom line?

Think in terms of PROCESS and BEHAVIOR management.

What processes in your business can be improved to increase the bottom line? Where is there time and resource WASTE?

How about BEHAVIORS? What "less than desirable" actions could be taken to enhance the company?

Just remember, sometimes the BIGGEST MOVE FORWARD is ceasing to move BACKWARDS.


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