Morning Motivator - Getting Lucky

"Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck."
- Dali Lama

Sometimes we beg, plea and PRAY for something we want. We will make DEALS with God about what we will and won't do anymore.

How often does anything you "ASK" for show up immediately? What do you BELIEVE would happen if you were provided everything you wished for?

For myself, I imagine, I would be able to RUIN lots of good things... Very quickly by getting what I "want"! Human nature involves an inherent lack a long-term PERSPECTIVE, which would almost GUARANTEE we would "wish" our way into trouble if allowed.

Understand, I ENCOURAGE you to wish and dream. I want everyone to continually ASK for the things the want.

Also, I hope for you the STRENGTH to appreciate what a blessing NOT getting your way can be. Relish the fact that there are greater powers at hand, helping to ensure your BEST interests are served... Even if you don't see it.

It is TRUE that sometimes the best gift is the present you NEVER received.


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