Morning Motivator - How Much To Invest...

"Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it."
- Dali Lama

In a time of perceived economic strife, we are all EXAMINING our investments. We are FOCUSED on what we have lost and what we used to have. Some have even STOPPED investing... (Bad idea).

Here is the FUNNY thing about "investing"... When you DO it right, you ALWAYS benefit. You may not see IMMEDIATE returns. You may not see returns in 10 years. However, if you CONSISTENTLY and SYSTEMATICALLY invest in your future... YOU WILL WIN!

Money is the EASY thing to think about in this context. What about EDUCATION? What about COMMUNITY? What about PHYSICAL FITNESS? What are you investing in... And are you making the RIGHT sacrifices to make it WORTHWHILE?

As you consider what is worth INVESTING in - time, money, energy - take an inventory of SACRIFICES.

What are you WILLING and UNWILLING to achieve your long term goals? What PAINS are you willing to accept as a part of your INVESTMENT?

Once you know your breaking point... CROSS IT! DO IT FAST!

See if you really break... If not, INVEST MORE!!


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