Morning Motivator – A President’s Lesson Learned

"Make sure to know all the rules, so you know how to break them."
- Tim Ferriss, author of "The Four Hour Work Week"

If you haven't figured it out by now… INSPIRATION hits me at odd times, in crazy ways. Last night, while watching "House" (my new FAVORITE TV show), I was forced to reflect on a discussion I had earlier in the day. I was asked by a fellow young leader what was the most POIGNANT lesson I have learned in my Presidency… Simple answer: I didn't know the RULES well enough to BREAK them… properly.

How does this relate to HOUSE? If you have never viewed the show, the simple plot is – a brilliant doctor who knows more than anyone else, facing cases that others cannot solve. He is also a MAJOR jerk and ALWAYS is breaking protocol at the hospital… Why? Because he CAN! He KNOWS ALL THE RULES – and HOW TO BREAK THEM… properly.

We have all heard that "rules are made to be broken," which MAY be true. However, thinking there is NOT repercussion to be answered for is silly. KNOWING those repercussions and being able to MANAGE the damage, limit the effect and/or eliminate the backlash gives you TREMENDOUS power.


How does one become so POWERFUL? Obtain an advanced EDUCATION (aka knowing more than the other guy/gal).

Know the rules, the process, the loopholes, the repercussions and be PREPARED to demonstrate your masterful knowledge in a discussion. Often, you don't need ALL of the knowledge to WIN your battle… just 10% more than the other person.

As soon as you have demonstrated a GREATER (not an ABSOLUTE) knowledge than your challenger, commonly, they will back down for FEAR of looking foolish, etc.

Master your space. Know your stuff. Be willing to unleash when needed. Be quiet until then… its more EFFECTIVE that way!


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