Morning Motivator – The Great Secret of Success

"The great secret of success is that there are no secrets of success; there are only timeless principles that have proven effective throughout the centuries."
- Brian Tracy

I had a WONDERFUL meeting yesterday with two business leaders in Nashville – Joe White, President of NovaCopy and Sonny Clark, President of Advanced Network Solutions. Now I get to see Sonny often, but RARELY with other leaders… and Joe is one of those guys that you "just want to know!"

What made this meeting so SPECIAL? Interestingly, we talked a bit about business, a bit about life and a bit about SUCCESS. Not quite what I expected. However, I was SLAPPED in the face with an insight about how successful people "become" successful. It is a HABIT, a CHOICE to achieve, a DISCIPLE of "best efforts" towards a pointed goal. Why is this so SURPRISING? It's not… it is REAFFIRMING!

While people are out trying to figure out the next SUCCESS SCHEME… the real stars are working on meeting new people, solving challenges, seeking education, setting next steps and FOLLOWING THROUGH ON THEIR WORD!

Success is a HABIT. When you decide it is time to achieve the next level… you must look yourself in the face and ask – "What could I be doing BETTER?" and "What should I STOP doing immediately?"

Be VERY VERY VERY honest with yourself… for once you answer these questions, you will have drawn the road map to achievement. It may have stops for improving SKILLS, enhancing EDUCATION, or even a COMPLETE turnaround, BUT (and yes this is another BIG BUT) once you KNOW the path… all you have to do is WALK.

While you are in a 5 minute down time today – write down ONE thing you SHOULD be doing and ONE thing you should STOP. Focus on those 2 for the next 2 weeks. Apply yourself 100% and report back to me the results you discover. I would love to hear about your SUCCESS and share it with all the other "Morning Motivator's."

Have a TREMENDOUS weekend. Tell someone you LOVE that you love them and spend an EXTRA 5 minutes appreciating the beautiful weather.


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