Morning Motivator - Who You ARE & Who You Are

"They intoxicate themselves with work so they won't see how they really are."
- Aldous Huxley

This weekend, my group, the Nashville Area Junior Chamber of Commerce (, ran their MARQUEE event - the Ragin' Cajun Crawfish Boil. For me, this is a very REWARDING event as a co-founder and the current President of the NAJCC.

I must say that I find it AMAZING what young talent is capable of when provided OPPORTUNITY.

This event is run ENTIRELY by volunteers and led by young professionals under the age of 30. This is a group that has been in existence for 88 years... SUCCESSFULLY. And yet, people refer to the group as "kids," a "drinking club" or other such derogatory names.

Here is what I KNOW - These "kids" are the talent that runs companies today, will make the POSITIVE community changes of tomorrow and H*LL yes, they like to have a GOOD TIME!

Rather than DENY what you really are by covering it in "work" and other "important" (yet unfulfilling) activities... ACCEPT who or what you are.

Yes, my group IS young, lacks some experience and likes to party. They also KNOW how to fund raise efficiently, organize momentum through relationships and generate revenues through ENTERTAINING events.

That is what WE are... And we are GREAT at it. We make a DIFFERENCE in our community through it.

Just IMAGINE if these same YOUNG PROFESSIONALS had the same opportunities to showcase their talents at work... IMAGINE if we ALL had the chance to be ourselves and use our REAL skills.

So question yourself - are you being the BEST you... Or are you HIDING behind how "important and busy" you are??


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