Morning Motivator - The BEST Place to Get an Education

"College doesn't prove your intelligent. It only proves you resilient."
- unknown

Everyday is a LEARNING process if you are wise to the opportunities around you. Outside of the usual "learn through experience" jargon - where is the best place to get an EDUCATION?

Many will suggest going to college. I will reserve my thoughts on the TRUE applicable value of undergraduate studies. Others will suggest SELF education through reading. I am a BIG fan of this. Yet, there is something even BETTER...

Why not LEVERAGE experience and education... In a Cliff Notes version?

Right NOW, there is someone you know that has been through schooling and experiences everything you could desire. An INDIVIDUAL that is such a wealth of knowledge that they could show you the path in less than 20 minutes.

Commonly, this type of person, is also very WILLING to share their expertise to aid in your SUCCESS! Simply put - Find someone that has ACCOMPLISHED what you want and ask them to MENTOR you.

Don't be AFRAID to ask someone to guide and share in your success. More often than not, they are HONORED to help! (And its a much better way to learn than anything else - support system included).


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