Morning Motivator - My Best Advice to Myself

"Hindsight is 20/20."
- common phrase

I had a very INTERSTING discussion last week with my friend, Ashley Skinner of Imagination Specialties in Nashville.

She POSED a question to me that I hadn't spent much time thinking of prior. She asked, "if you could go back and give yourself advice, what would it be?" Very good question...

Now, I am not one to do much looking back. The question was FAIR so I answered as best I could by saying, "if I could go back to give myself any advice, I would go to my freshman year of college. I would tell myself to pursue MY dreams and not try to appease others desire for my 'success.'"

I have alluded in past Morning Motivators about the idea of "Empty Success." The idea that you ACHIEVE success as deemed by others - great income, nice house, cool car, wife, kids, blah blah blah...

My answer to Ashley was to tell myself to OVERCOME empty success by pursuing my passions, strengths and interests.
When you are FOCUSED on the tasks that make you smile and enrich your soul - your REAL SUCCESS is found easily in time.
Stay TRUE to your heart and follow your PASSIONS... Your "SUCCESS" will follow you.


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