Morning Motivator - Creating the Brand of "ME"

"What do you want to be known for? This is the brand you seek to be."
- Zachary Barker

Occasionally, someone comes to me for ADVICE (suckers!) about how to become better CONNECTED. I always ask, "what do you do?" Their response helps define the ANSWER to THEIR question of me.

I am not the WIZARD OF CONNECTIVITY. I am AWARE of what makes people attracted to other people though. Its quite simple actually... Be someone people NEED to know. Know the question is: WHY SHOULD PEOPLE KNOW YOU?

This is the question of YOUR brand. Who ARE you? What do you DO? Why are you more IMPORTANT to know than someone else?

To create your BRAND, you simply need to determine what you want to be known for.

If you enjoy knowing people and seeing others do the same - become a CONNECTOR by helping people get to the "right" people quickly.

If you enjoy helping people become better at their job - become the EDUCATOR by helping them learn the processes for success.

If your enjoyment is in organizing groups - become the PLANNER by arranging the needs organizations with the desire of people to congregate.

Determine what it is you ARE.. and make sure EVERYONE knows it.


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