Morning Motivator - The Secret to Getting More Time

"With 24 hours in a day... How do I make more time?"
- unknown

We have all said it. We all feel it. We all need it. MORE TIME! How does one get "more time?"

I admit, I am not the best ORGANIZED person in the world. Additionally, I am not the most LASER FOCUSED day-to-day. I tend to WASTE time by losing it to INEFFICIENCIES.

It is not that there is a LACK of sufficient time in a day... Rather, its that we LACK the ability to sufficiently UTILIZE the time we have.

How does one BETTER use their time? By creating PROCESS driven activities.

By IDENTIFYING the most valuable tasks, activities, meetings, etc and the PATTERNS in which they arrive, you are able to schedule a CYCLE of activity. Once you have defined the time line, you can easily define the ACTIONS commonly required following each occurrence.

Detail these steps, next meetings and any follow up ACTIONS with time lines and you will find that your SUCCESS is as simple as following the directions of a cookbook!

Go cook up some SUCCESS today!


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