Morning Motivator - Saying THANK YOU

"Success is the combination of your limited efforts and significant commitments from others."
- unknown

Last night was my FINAL board meeting to lead as President of the Nashville Area Junior Chamber of Commerce ( As President, I have learned one of the most IMPORTANT life lessons ever - Saying THANK YOU!

Our group has enjoyed a very SUCCESSFUL year, while overcoming surprising challenges. We never had a CONSISTENT meeting location. We had some BATTLES over power and responsibility. We have be CHALLENGED by strained partnerships... And yet...

We were SUCCESSFUL. How? Why? ANSWER: Through OTHER peoples actions.

How successful would you be if it weren't for those AROUND you? Have you considered how much someone else's EFFORTS are the cause of your achievement?

A select few people in your life are the MAIN REASON you are successful - like it or not. A mentor, a client, a friend... Someone.

Here is the best advice I can give once you know who they are: TELL THEM THANK YOU! This should ensure they will continue to be a supporter... Besides, you NEED them!


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