Morning Motivator – The FEAR of LOSS

"The fear of loss usually makes a maybe a yes."
- Joe White, President, NovaCopy (Nashville)

Yesterday, I was asked to speak on a discussion panel regarding ways to INCREASE profitability for businesses. After the event, the LEADERSHIP team coordinated a discussion on how to IMPROVE our effectiveness. (A GREAT move, especially when done IMMEDIATELY after the event and ideas are fresh).

One of the discussion points between me and Joe White, President of NovaCopy in Nashville, was the concept of creating more EXCLUSIVITY. By inviting from a VIP list and ONLY allowing those people to attend in a given time frame, we create two PSYCHOLOGICAL leverage points: (1) the feeling of IMPORTANCE for individuals and (2) a sense of PRIORITY due to the limited opportunity for attendance.

You want people to attend an EVENT? Tell them they CANNOT. Sounds crazy?? Remember as a child, you could CARE LESS what any other kid had, until… they had it and you did NOT! If you have siblings, you know the idea of wanting the "blue one" because your sibling had it. No reason other than, simply, you DON'T.


As you plan events, CONSIDER who you want to attend. Communicate to them that this is a PRIVATE learning session and that others will NOT be allowed to attend. Additionally, make sure they understand that if they do NOT attend, they will not be able to "come to the next one." Rather, they will have to WAIT until the next time their name comes up on "the VIP list."

If you know you are one of few and you may not be invited back… I PROMISE you WILL make the time to be there. If just to make sure you don't get LEFT OUT.

Have a GREAT weekend… for those of you on "the list!" :)


*To enjoy past editions of the Morning Motivator go to –

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