Morning Motivator - The Year of Durham

"I have designated this the 'Year of Durham.' I plan to do all the things I never make time for."
- Durham Pettigrew paraphrased

I had the PLEASURE of meeting a new friend and making a STRATEGIC relationship this morning with Mr. Durham Pettigrew of Avenue Bank. I am VERY impressed with this young leader and his passion for ACHIEVEMENT.

He said something very INTERESTING this morning while at breakfast. He told me this is "The Year of Durham." I asked him to tell me more...

He noted that he is coming upon a MILESTONE birthday and that his life, thus far, has been about chasing new, exciting EXPERIENCES. As part of "The Year of Durham," he noted that he would be EXECUTING the few major items he has yet to complete which have no IMMEDIATE reason for being incomplete. Basically, he has a THEME for getting of his tail to get stuff done... the stuff he REALLY wants to do!


As I PONDERED Durham's comments, I wondered if a "THEME" for my actions would be helpful. I have decided it WOULD!

What might be ACHIEVED if you had a 3 month theme of "BECOMING THE MASTER," during which time you FOCUSED on learning and mastering a skill or concept you are interested in? How about "GETTING LEAN," a focus on PROPER diet and EXERCISE? Possibly even, "LOVE AS IT SHOULD BE," a total DEDICATION to expressing your love and affection for your significant other?

I think I will DO this... and make sure to THANK Durham for having such a GREAT YEAR!


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