Morning Motivator – Take the Adventure…

"A ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what ships are for."
- William Shedd

Tomorrow, I will officially be 31 years of age. I REMEMBER being 15 years old and moving from San Diego as if it was last week, along with the THOUGHTS of how "old" 31 really were.

With my limited time on this Earth (and my newly attained wisdom), I have LEARNED that the best way to slow time is to create as many opportunities for ADVENTURE as able. Consider how you feel the "loss" of time when you are working in a career that you do not ENJOY. The number of years you spent trying to "get ahead" just to feel like you are still in the SAME PLACE. You can easily become FROZEN in the REPETITION of mundane activity.

By GENERATING adventure in your life, work and personal actions, you are able to create a lifetime of enjoyment. A good VACATION may only last a week, and yet the stories, experiences and emotions last a LIFETIME. Similar to a GREAT photograph… a great adventure captures that time as holds it emotionally for you to relive again and again…

Consider your adventures up to this point – have you EXPERIENCED the thrills you sought in younger years? Have you taken the RISKS you desired to? Have you ALLOWED fear to limit your adventures?

What ADVENTURES do you want? Taking a trip to another country? Buying that BEAUTIFUL beach home? What about attaining FINANCIAL success in your career? Do you even consider your CAREER an adventure?

Find ways to make every day and new adventure – testing your will, fear and comfort levels. In the past months I decided to take the adventure of building a business… and it has been the most ENJOYABLY UNCOMFORTABLE 4 months of my life. Even better, know I know NOT to be afraid… the adventure is the REAL FUN!! Be ADVENTUROUS and you will truly capture the essence of life…


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