Morning Motivator - Feed Your Soul

"A home without books is a body without soul."
- Marcus Tullius Cicero

This morning I was driving to breakfast at my favorite Nashville morning spot, Noshville, and one of my FAVORITE songs came on. I IMMEDIATELY went from "waking up" to "FIRED UP!" I thought, "What a good FEED for my SOUL!" I was motivated and inspired... by a song. Wow.

What FEEDS your soul? What makes you SMILE on the inside? A book, a song, maybe the quick email of a loved one?

The point is that you can very EASILY improve every day or your life and lives of others, if you KNOW how to feed your soul and learn to feed others. I know that certain songs, quotes and opportunities give me a HIGH that I cannot experience otherwise. As a result, I seek those daily. Hopefully, you are doing the same.

The process of defining the "feeds" for your soul is very simple. Think back in the last week about the times you felt BEST - what was going on?

For me, I was going door to door, promoting a seminar we are doing next week. I was driving in my truck listening to a FAVORITE song. I was throwing a football in the park with my girlfriend. These are MY feeds...

As we become more AWARE of the activities that fuel our soul and ENRICH our lives, we are better able to identify the ways in which we can ask people to help, and consequently will seek to provide the same feelings and support to others.

Learn to make someone smile, help feed their soul and you will find that your DREAMS become a much easier reality!


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