Morning Motivator – Get to Getting It Done…

"Even if you are on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there."
-Will Rogers

Yesterday, I watched a YouTube video from a local speaker, Rory Vaden. His message is simple… "Success means doing things others don't want to do." This truly had me THINKING as I have been struggling with the CONSISTENCY of my lead generation at work.

I am not AFRAID, nor ASHAMED to admit that I can and do fall off the wagon on occasion. I get in SLUMPS where I don't FEEL like making the cold calls, doing the early morning breakfasts or meeting that PROSPECTIVE client after hours for a tasty beverage. Don't we all?

If you are HONEST with yourself, you likely have said YES. And it is OK… it happens to almost everyone. The MORE IMPORTANT question is "what do I do about it?"

We all have the occasional LAPSE in performance. We also have the ABILITY to quickly and effectively ADJUST that behavior.

By having a HEIGHTENED awareness of your performance behavior patterns, as well as your "triggers" for slumps and excellence, you are able to create an ACTION PLAN for overcoming your "loss of focus."

Should you find yourself needing a BOOST, always go back to the actions that PRODUCE best behaviors and results. By ACHIEVING small, simple successes, you place yourself back on the path to accomplishment and success.

Just keep moving forward… you can NEVER as long as you are doing the things other people won't!


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