Morning Motivator - Plan Ahead!!

"Don't forget the Morning Motivator!"
- Nancy Dubuisson

As I always PREACH... Be prepared!! Today, I AM your example.

In preparation for an upcoming Chattanooga trip, I overlooked todays Morning Motivator. Thankfully, my lovely girlfriend, Nancy, REMINDED me that the Morning Motivator had not yet been sent.

What's the lesson?? Simple, PREPARE ahead of time and you will not fail to meet deadlines. When you take a FEW minutes every day to prepare for the next day... You NEVER have to worry about executing properly!

Take 10 minutes at the end of EVERY work day to prepare for the next.

Make a checklist of RECURRING events, projects and special items. PRIORITIZE based on importance and lay the form in front of your computer for the next morning.

If you will take the TIME to be PREPARED... You will never need your girlfriend (or other loved ones) to REMIND you to do the simple things...


*To enjoy past editions of the Morning Motivator go to –

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