Morning Motivator - What's the Worst...

"The biggest mistake you can make in life is to be continually afraid of making one."
- Author Unknown

Do you "play it SAFE" in your life? Are you FEARFUL of taking a risk because you may look Silly doing so?

When people discuss SUCCESS and the "risks" of achievement, they are RARELY discussing financial risk. More commonly, the RISK that top achievers take, is the risk of failure, embarrassment and ridicule.

The GREATEST achievers are often the people that are laughed at, told they are CrAZy and so on... They are also the people that are STONG enough to endure the pain and ridicule, taking the risk of failure, to see that the ideas they are so passionate for become true.

Ask yourself, "what the worst that can happen?" So you fail at something... Who cares?! Maybe you even embarrass yourself... Did it kill you? Of course not!

By taking the RISK of failure, embarrassment and ridicule, you are SHOWING the world that you are a top ACHIEVER. You are also showcasing your STRENGTH of character...

Winners, leaders, achievers... All take the RISK of failure! Will you?


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