Morning Motivator - Bend... And If That "Don't Work..."

"Outside of science and law, all rules can be bent or broken."
- Timothy Ferriss.

FACT: RULES are made for those who are unwilling or afraid to test limits. But not for ALL of us...

I'm not putting DOWN anyone that is not prone to "rocking the boat." Simply, I am stating that CHANGE is made by those that do not ACCEPT the current path, mentality or focus of a situation. When you consider the great change makers of our time, you realize that they were people that were willing to RISK embarrassment, financial loss, social agony and potential banishment... just to make things BETTER (as they saw it).

As a LEADER or someone that is ASPIRING to be a leader, you have to RECOGNIZE that rules are a general acceptance of social norms. Rules are what people ACCEPT to be proper or "right," even if it doesn't make sense or if there is a better way.

Your TASK is to change that mentality of the WORLD! Yes, the world... and start with the people in your back yard.

As shifts in VALUES and BELIEFS are made socially, it is the RESPONSIBILITY of leaders to ensure that the best policies and actions are made for the people that are unable or unwilling to take the position of "change maker."

The needs of people, companies, non profits and nations will CONTINUALLY change as education and incomes alter. There will always be a NEED for leaders to recognize this shifting system and BEND (and BREAK) rules in order to shift the perceptions of people. Laws have GRAY areas. SCIENCE has none. Both are not intended to be broken, yet with further knowledge and understanding, both have the ability to altered and leveraged...

Don't be AFRAID to put your "donkey" on the line... Someone in this world HAS TO stand up and do it. Why not YOU?


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