Morning Motivator – More Eggs, More Baskets

"Concentrate; put all your eggs in one basket, and watch that basket..."
- Andrew Carnegie

I have been THINKING a lot about the future lately. I have been also been CONISDERING the idea that our "current" economy is, in fact, our new economy. What if it is??

Most people have ALL of their eggs in one big basket. One INVESTMENT plan (401k), one INCOME source (your job) and one RETIREMENT plan (keeping saving and pray). I WONDER if having a few more baskets that have smaller eggs doesn't make more SENSE??

Consider the idea of starting your OWN business. Not QUITTING your job, just starting your own business. In the age of "the web," you now have the ABILITY to create a business without having to sacrifice your security. You can now start a small web company and create a NEW revenue source.

Imagine if you had a small, niche website that GENERATED an additional $1,000 per month. How hard would that be? A product of $25 per unit profit with 40 sales per month… THAT'S IT!! That isn't even a GOOD, PRODUCTIVE site… just one that sells the minimum.

Now, consider if you had 10 sites that generated a profit of $500 each per month! $500 x 10 =$5,000. WOW!!

Say a few have a BAD month and generate ZERO. OK, so you make $500 times 7 which equals $3,500. Now THAT's pretty well covered… and not requiring much!!

Maybe it is time to look at your EGGS, pick up a few more and find a few more baskets to put them into. You don't need big baskets, when you are CREATING so many eggs…


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