Morning Motivator - A Contribution from a Very Good Friend

Today's Morning Motivator is VERY special as it was written ENTIRELY by my very good friend, Mr. Todd Lamon. (I am very impressed Lamon - GREAT JOB!)

"Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle."
-Abraham Lincoln
Have you ever found yourself watching poker on the four-letter sports network when NOTHING else is on? Yeah, me too. 

If you look at the way that some of those players play, you might notice that they put relentless pressure on the opposition for the win.

They constantly find ways to improve their game, whether it changing their betting style or changing the pace of play. The guys who come away from the table as winners have one thing in common. They SEIZE the opportunity when presented with it.
Always find way to improve yourself. Nobody is perfect all the way around. There is ALWAYS something that can be improved on to help you achieve better results.
I know it's cliché, but never let up for a second! The second you find yourself satisfied, you're losing the battle.

By striving for a greater goal and always committing 100% to what it is... you achieve those goals.
- Todd Lamon

EXCELLENT work!! I'm so honored to have other leaders contribute to this forum.

Strive for your BEST today... And keep your POKER FACE on!

- Zach

*To enjoy past editions of the Morning Motivator go to –

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