Morning Motivator – An Excerpt from Seth Godin

"What's missing is leadership."
- Seth Godin, author of Tribes

I am reading the book Tribes by Seth Godin and while going through it this weekend I found this EXCELLENT excerpt. Enjoy!


We're almost there, but some of you are itching to ask me exactly the wrong questions, which are:

"How do I do this?" Or even worse:

"How do I get my boss to let me (take control and leadership in my business area)?"

Or to be really blunt:

"What's the risk-free way to insinuate myself into the system so I get approval to make change?"

Surely, there's a method of making change without being burned at the stake?

It turns out that there is, but you already know what it is. Belief.

Nobody is going to listen to your idea for change, sagely shake his head, and say, "Sure, go do that.

No one anoints you as leader.

Nobody is going to see your PowerPoint presentation and hand you a check.

Change isn't made by asking permission. Change is made by asking forgiveness, later.

For more information about Seth Godin, go to

For your copy of Tribes, go to


*To enjoy past editions of the Morning Motivator go to –

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