Morning Motivator - Its 9:45am and What Have You Done?

"Do first things first, and second things not at all."
—Peter Drucker.

It is 9:45am and, admittedly, today I have NOT accomplished much (sorry Sonny). Consequently, how often do you find this HAPPENING to you?

Many people FALL into this same TRAP every day. You know them - the ones that roll in "whenever," then spend 30 mins checking emails, 30 mins chatting it up about last nights game and another 15 mins PREPARING their coffee and other essential items for the day.

Soon enough, its 9:30am (or later) and they have yet to do ANYTHING semi-productive... seriously.

Is it that they (or you) DON'T want to do your job? Is it possible you don't know WHAT your job is?

I PROPOSE a new idea - Get the most important things done FIRST, then go home (or to the gym or wherever you want).

Most bosses would FrEaK OuT if they thought you were going home in the middle of the day (Sonny included I'm sure), yet, what if you were so PRODUCTIVE that you completed everything critical by 2pm? Wouldn't it make sense to just leave as opposed to "babysitting" the computer all day?

Given, I don't own the company I work for, however, when I think about WHAT I want people to accomplish, it has LITTLE to NO RELATION to the amount of TIME they spend doing it or being in the office. It's based on RESULTS. I want you to ACHIEVE your recurring revenue goals, your appointment goals, your report deadlines, etc...

How much more FOCUSED and PRODUCTIVE might you be if you knew that you could leave when your MOST CRITICAL work was done? Think you would get up early and skip coffee for that?? It's just worth THINKING about...

For those that called me out last week for forgetting to note this: As part of my CONTINUED commitment to accountability, today is my weight check in: 228.5lbs. Last check in: 227.5. Delta: +1.0 (Obviously the result of a trip to Scotland and the LSU/Florida game... got to stay focused!)


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