Morning Motivator – Focus on Getting Deeper…

"It's not what's happening to you now or what has happened in your past that determines who you become. Rather, it's your decisions about what to focus on, what things mean to you, and what you're going to do about them that will determine your ultimate destiny."
- Anthony Robbins

Often business people will say that their client base is "ANYONE that (blah blah blah)…" Seriously? Your client is "ANYONE?"

Too often, as business leaders, we are FEARFUL to limit our opportunities. As a result, we commonly ACCEPT less than ideal fits for business. We allow ourselves to work with a client we don't really like and cannot EFFECTIVELY help. We SACRIFICE the quality of our delivery and client base for the SECURITY of income.

Most businesses ARE seeking to grow and expand their ability to deliver an EFFECTIVE solution to clients that provides a financial benefit to both parties. What is the IDEAL way to create that mutual benefit? HOW can we create the best opportunities for SHARED success between a client and its solution provider? FOCUS.

The BEST way to grow a successful business is by METHODICALLY adding a small number of very SPECIFIC clients every month. Additionally, INCREASING the volume of niche products and services you provide to that EXISTING client base.

When you have a FOCUSED client profile, the prospective client becomes much easier to SEE. You eliminate the NOISE and CONFUSION associated with "potential prospects." This will allow you to AVOID wasting time with clients that will NOT experience a mutual benefit from your solution and services offerings. Also, having such a LASER FOCUS with your clients will allow you to be more RESPONSIVE through improved listening and teamwork.

Remember that most successful businesses DON'T need 10,000 clients… just 100 really GOOD ones! Focus on FINDING those 100!!


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