Morning Motivator - Gain Success by Getting Control

"I'm less interested in the fees and more interested in how I can control them."
- Nashville Business Leader

IT, payroll, administration... All are COMMON outsourced activities in businesses. Why would a company OUTSOURCE these critical functions??

Seems like business owners are giving AWAY a lot of control... Right?!

QUESTION: How MUCH do you control your employees? Their TIME OFF? Their SERVICE levels? Their SUBORDINATION? Their QUITTING...???

CONTROL is nothing more than the ability to have PREDICTABLE outcomes.

Many business owners have DETERMINED the ideal environment is found through OUTSOURCING. Why?

Fixed fees, service level agreements, no single point of failure (or quitting) and SHARED knowledge across multiple providers with LIMITED emotional attachment.

When you CONSIDER the ideal ways to CONTROL your business or your role, wouldn't it be nice to have a SOLUTION that gave you ALL the control, even when you aren't CONTROLLING it??


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