Morning Motivator - What Does Education Offer?

"Learning is not based on the value of the institution, rather on the students value of the learning."
- Unknown

Education is a TRICK word. For most, we think of WHERE we went to school, the PRESITIGE of your college or who has an ADVANCED degree.

The VALUE of education is often based on the PERCIEVED value of the institution.

Do you BELIEVE a physician from Yale Med school is a better doctor, than one from Meharry Medical College? Would rather take a class from a PhD professor or Bill Gates? If its a Biology class, does that change your mind?

EDUCATION is actually the KNOWLEDGE and ABILITY to think that comes from "schooling."

Many WELL-EDUCATED and SUCCESSFUL professionals have a limited "formal" education.

While a formal education is often a good INDICATOR of focus, determination and work ethic, RARELY does it directly equate into SUCCESS.

To ensure YOUR success, consider adopting a commitment to continued learning. A FOCUS on educating yourself in various ways regarding the PASSIONS you have.

No one can take your EDUCATION... And nothing makes you more VALUABLE than having the intellectual edge!!


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