Morning Motivator – Your Right to be Frustrated

"Anger always comes from frustrated expectations"
- Elliott Larson

Every business wants to meet or EXCEED client expectations. Occasionally, those "wants" are met with DISASTER. You know what they say about the best laid plans…

The point is that you have a RIGHT to be frustrated and upset. You have an expectation of EXCELLENCE from someone you make an arrangement with. More over you should be able to DISCUSS any failure of expectations to UNDERSTAND what happened, how and why.

Let's be REALISTIC, everyone will FAIL at some point. Every system and process has WEAKNESSES that will be exposed under the pressures of limited resources – time, funding and talent. KNOWING that each system, person and or process will STUMBLE at some point, where does your true RIGHT to be frustrated derive from?


REAL, VALID FRUSTRATION comes from the continuous failure of a system, person or process to correct its error. When you find the same results being GENERATED from the solution – before and after adjustments – then you SHOULD be frustrated.

The VALUE of a QUALITY service delivery is its ability to adjust and be nimble in its ability to effectively correct faulty actions. The QUALITY is realized when the system is "tweaked" to ensure that the client is receiving the service they INITIALLY expected and continually has INPUTS into the system so as to further tailor it to their liking.

It will always REIGN true that the best businesses are not those that deliver the BEST or most EXPENSIVE, rather they deliver the most CONSISTENT while remaining open to CHANGE as their clients do too!


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