Morning Motivator - You Have to Show Up

"Do we make the decisions even if the others aren't at the meeting?"
- Anonymous

Let's look at a scenario...

There is a STRATEGIC planning meeting tomorrow morning at 7am. You don't LIKE to get up early for these type of meetings.
You decide to SKIP the meeting as you believe "nothing ever happens anyhow" at those meetings.

Sound familiar??

While meetings MAY seem pointless on occasion, they are a critical element in planning and control.

You have 2 CHOICES as related to meetings...
1. Choose a NEGATIVE attitude, continue to offer very LITTLE value and waste your time (along with others)

2. Find ways to serve as a LEADER in those meetings, offering strategic opinions and great VALUE.

Either decisions is ACCEPTABLE. Frankly, meetings should ONLY involve people seeking GROWTH and IMPROVEMENT.

For the rest... Don't worry about showing up and speaking up. The rest of us will continue to make the rules for YOU To live by...


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