Morning Motivator – You Better Build an Army…

"A hidden connection is stronger than an obvious one."
- Heraclitus of Ephesus 

Imagine that you were to be ELECTED to a political position or were to be honored for an achievement.  Imagine that you were WRONGLY accused of a crime or indiscretion.   

Now, ask yourself, in each scenario, WHO would stand up for you? 

QUALITY in relationships is often very difficult to define.  You do not have a gauge you can measure one's CONNECTIVITY with.  It is very difficult to CREATE scenarios in which you will need to utilize the strength of your network.  And yet… one day… YOU WILL! 

Relationships are developed on TRUST, CANDOR and SHARING.  They are bonded DEEPER by the willingness to extend your value to the success of another and the RISK of referring someone as a trusted contact. 

If you do not yet feel CONFIDENT that you would have OVERWHELMING support, in either of the above two scenarios, then you may consider ENHANCING that army of loyal believers. 

Quite often, it is the DEPTH of our network, that will ensure our success when all else is equal.  Politicians, business owners, community leaders, all recognize that the STRENGTH of their role is a REFLECTION of the strength found in their connections – their loyal army. 

How BIG and POWERFUL is your army?


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