Morning Motivator - Your Choices DEFINE Your Self

"Make your choices and then they make you."
- Jim Rome

Mr. Rome, of ESPN fame, was speaking yesterday on his show regarding Mr. Tiger Woods.

Obviously, the discussion and above quote were driven around Tiger's recent CHOICES. Additionally, with his pending "press conference," there is question about Tiger OWNING his actions.

The idea brings an INTERESTING point - we ARE defined by our actions. If we act with INTEGRITY, we will be assumed honorable, and so forth...

What words would you CHOOSE to define yourself? What ACTIONS to take to project that image?

DEFINING one self is quite challenging, especially as we wear many faces in our daily life.

Eventually, we will be DEFINED by our actions, just as Tiger Woods. The question you must consider is...

Are my ACTIONS leading me to be the person I DESIRE to be??


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