Morning Motivator - Are You Too Available?

"They say they never miss you until you are dead or your gone."
- common phrase

I HESITATED to write this Morning Motivator as I believe it may go misunderstood for its intent... yet we never makes gains if we don't take risks, right?!

My EXPERIENCE tells me "the more available you are, the less people want you (or are willing to pay for you)."

The DIFFICULTY in this understanding is appropriately LIMITING your accessibility. How do I keep clients HAPPY if I limit their ability to reach me? How do I keep from LOSING friends if I don't answer their calls every time?

Even more INTERESTING to consider... "Is my high availability and accessibility what is PREVENTING me from FOCUSING on the activities I SHOULD be doing??"

I'm not CONVINCED there is a "lesson" here. Maybe just a consideration about you, your time and the way others treat/perceive you...

If you are HIGHLY accessible, try being less and vice versa.

Again, if we NEVER takes a risk (or at least experiment), then how can we make any SIGNIFICANT gains?


*To enjoy past editions of the Morning Motivator go to –

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1 comment:

Johnny Anderson said...

As professionals we have to juggle clients that often see everything as an emergency. To be effective we have to prioritize (including our time and availability)....great post!!!!

:: past morning motivators ::