Morning Motivator- Get Over It and Get To It!

"What we fear doing most is usually what we most need to do."
- Timothy Ferriss, The 4-Hour Work Week 

This morning, I met with 3 of my FAVORITE Nashville leaders and friends, to discuss business opportunities and our involvement in Leadership Nashville.  From the discussion cam a very interesting point – we ALL are very busy and CHALLENGED to do the things we need to do most. 

I felt very FORTUNATE to be able to share some personal insight and practices.  The lessons I have learned from Verne Harnish's writing, perfected by my friend, Andy Bailey – the 5/1 FOCUS.  

Each day you should have NO MORE than five (5) CRITICAL tasks to complete – if you do, you must learn to delegate.  Of those five (5) tasks, one (1) SUPERSEDES that of all others.  It is the ONE MOST IMPORTANT tasks that should be executed before all others and prevent you from moving forward until completed.  It is THAT important!! 

By utilizing a few techniques properly, with a focus on ACHIEVING your Top 5 in a logically PRIORITIZED manner, you will discover that you can accomplish more in 4 hours than most people in a full day. 

We can generally accept that there are not REALLY 8 hours of work per day.  There is approximately 3-5 with the remainder WASTED on unproductive or unnecessary activities. 

Try TIME BLOCKING your 90 minutes of the day – the POWER "HOUR" – for your #1 task.  Very few tasks, with LASER FOCUS and NO DISTRACTIONS, will require more than 90 minutes.  If you are unable to accomplish the task in that time, then schedule additional time IMMEDIATELY to complete. 

Eliminate all PHONE CALLS and EMAIL responses during this time.  Try using noise cancelling headphones.  Do not ALLOW for people to "pop by" your desk either.  Your time IS your time! 

If you choose to focus on "first things first" with the 5/1 Focus – honed in on #1 only before moving on – with time blocking and distraction ELIMINATION… you will discover HUGE PRODUCTIVITY GAINS!  It's a guarantee.


*To enjoy past editions of the Morning Motivator go to –

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