Morning Motivator - You Never Know...

"... yeah, in a bar."
- Zachary Barker

You NEVER know when something great might happen to you, thus we must ALWAYS be prepared.

Two years ago today, I had my first date with my "soon to be" wife, Nancy. Most interesting is HOW we met... "yeah, in a bar." After a Junior Chamber Gala event, on a night where the LAST thing I wanted to find was a future wife... BLAMMO! There she was. Albeit I did not want a girlfriend, nor anything more serious than that, she was INTRIGUING and BEAUTIFUL. She seemed like a risk WORTH taking.

Obviously, I would not have EXPECTED to meet "Ms. Right" in a bar. Nor would I expect to for one of my best MENTORS to be someone that doesn't even know he serves that role (Mr. Andy Bailey). And who would have ever thought the Morning Motivator would have a "following."

The LESSON here is in the FACT that neither you, nor me, KNOW when a GREAT opportunity will show up. We cannot CONTROL our lives in such detail that "our plan" will actually follow the path we see in our mind's eye.

If you know GOOD THINGS are coming... and you know you CANNOT control "when," Don't you think it BEHOOVES you to be on your game?

Remember - the way you PRESENT yourself, the people you ALIGN yourself with, and the MESSAGES that you send, ALL affect the world around you. Bring your "A GAME" everyday, because "YOU NEVER KNOW..."


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