Morning Motivator – “Learning” to Succeed

"Education is learning what you didn't even know you didn't know."
- Daniel J. Boorstin 

How many books have you READ this year?  How many webcasts have you WATCHED?  How many speaking summits have you ATTENDED?  If you answered ZERO to all of them… stop reading. 

If you answered zero and are STILL reading, then pay attention. 

Success is achieved by a possessing a SMALL margin of EXPERTISE over those around you.  If you had to be the ABSOLUTE authority on a subject to be deemed credible, then GOD would be the only one teaching.  Education is not an EXERCISE in studying, retaining and regurgitating (see: high school); rather it is the act of TRANSFERRING the information you are aware of to others that are not.  Sounds simple.  When you consider how people PURCHASE goods and services, they often KNOW what they need to happen – just not how to make it happen. 

Teach them HOW to MAKE it happen and YAHTZEE!!! (You have a deal!) 

If you are able to become a MASTER EDUCATOR of your product, service, beliefs, values, etc… you will find that you are soon regarded as the EXPERT.  As a result of your new found "expertise," you will also be sought after, paid more, asked to do less and thus CONTROL more of your personal success path. 

Think about how much Michael Jordan is paid to speak at basketball clinics, or Warren Buffett to speak to financial planners.  Are they the IDEAL person to speak?  Likely not.  They probably offer less APPLICABLE value to individuals, because they cannot teach everyone HOW to execute, however, their EXPERT status does provide them with the ability to teach at a high level. 

To ENSURE your long term successes… become REGARDED as the teaching EXPERT, who can show you the "how-to" as well (see: great business novelist Seth Godin and Timothy Ferriss).


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