Morning Motivator - The Book or the Lesson?

"Do we buy a book or its lesson?"
- Unknown

I was asked recently if I was planning to WRITE a book. Interesting idea. I told them I ALREADY was...

No, there will not be a big RELEASE party or flashy marketing campaign around it. Truth is, you already BOUGHT it!

In my perspective, a BOOK is a merchandising tool leveraged to create INCOME for an author, regardless of the quality of their content. Some good, some not so.

For me, the LESSON is what is most important.

LEARNING is a process of analyzing arguments and gaining perspective from the thought process.

Packaging a book, doesn't HELP you learn (unless you read it). CONSISTENTLY delivering a valuable insight is of GREATER value than the $20 hard back package.

Maybe one day I will "package" some learning at stock it at Barnes & Noble... But for now, let's FOCUS on the learning lessons we can get from one another! :)


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