Morning Motivator - Finding Your Ideal Job

"Do what you truly love and you will never work another day."
- unknown

Let's do an exercise together...

In a moment, I want you to close your eyes for one minute and IMAGINE the "perfect job." Think about your role, income, schedule, co-workers and location.

Ok, close them.

Did THAT job look like THIS job?

You should have had 1 of 3 visions:
1. PERFECT - you are doing what you want and should be doing
2. COMMON - you are in the field you like, but not doing what you want within it
3. DANGER - you either had NO vision (meaning you don't know what you want) or your vision is TOTALLY different from your current role

Frequently, people forego seeking the "right" job. Not necessarily a change of company, maybe just a change of role. Regardless, it is a SETTLING for comfort with acceptance that one will not fulfill their desired role. This is the most common factor in "Empty Success" also known as a mid-life crisis.

Here is your RESOLUTION: ask YOURSELF, "how could I make a GREATER impact by changing my actions or responsibilities?"

See it. Know it. Own it. NOW... TAKE ACTION!


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