Morning Motivator - Winning is in the "Ask"

"You don't need to win anyone's heart... You just need to ask for it."
- excerpt from "House" TV Series

Wonderfully appropriate, the above comment is APPLICABLE to a variety of situations in our lives.

Often, we are CHALLENGED internally with the idea of perfection vs participation. We DEVALUE the simple effort of "trying" if the effort is not PERFECT in its execution.

The internal voice says, "don't call them yet, you don't know what they want." Or, "you can't ask her out, she is seeking someone who has it all together." Or even, "I can't ask for a raise... I haven't proven my worth yet."

Amazing how we SHORT SELL ourselves time and time again...

As noted in a recent Morning Motivator, you don't always have to be the BEST, especially if you are the only one present.

As professionals and high achievers, we EXPECT perfection of ourselves. We EXPECT to win and win and win again!

The REALIZATION we need to accept is that "winning is not ALWAYS a clearly defined goal." Sometimes, the win, is someone else's PERCEPTION of you and you will NEVER know if you "won" until you ask.

What's the HARM in asking anyhow? You either AFFIRM you are the best or get a chance to DEFINE what needs to be done to get there...

Just ask. See what happens.


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