Morning Motivator – Let Go of the Stress

"In times of stress, be bold and valiant."
- Horace 

Ah stress… the wonderful feeling of total LACK of control and ENORMOUS pressure of unfinished business.  Isn't it just so DARN fun?! 

Understanding that STRESS will be a part of every day and every job, what can we do to LIMIT the affects?  What STEPS can we take to make sure that we don't allow it to overrun our day, emotions and relationships?  

Standing by your PRINCIPLES is one of the most critical ways to limit stress.  By ENSURING that you have done the right things for the right people in the right ways, you are guaranteed that stress caused by a client failure to move, decide or accept is not YOUR failure.  Additionally, your PRINCIPLES will serve as a guideline for action. 

If you are EXECUTING in the most honest fashion, then your stress is often caused by limited time, not effort or direction. 

I, like all others, wish that all STRESS was simply non-existent.  Yet, each day, I, as well as the people around me, find ways to CREATE new stresses.  

I recognize that often a STRESSOR placed on me by someone else is not their MALICIOUS attempt to ruin my day, rather it is their way of eliminating their PERSONAL stressors in an effort to bring balance to their day.  They are "passing the buck" and may not even recognize it. 

At the end of the day, stay TRUE to your convictions, stand STRONG in what you believe in and by all means continue to be FORTHRIGHT with others.  You will find that your STRESS is limited when you are as candid with people as possible…   


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