Morning Motivator - To Train or Battle?

"If your not fighting, you should be bettering your fighting skills."
- Unknown

There is a MANTRA in the military that if you are not fighting, you are training. I find that to be very SIMPLISTIC... and very appropriate.

As a professional, if you are not in a time that you are executing your job, shouldn't you be working on becoming better? That 30 minute down time between appointments - what do YOU do with it? The CANCELLED luncheon - how can you better use that time?

While many people look at is an OPPORTUNITY to "relax" or "space out", I SUGGEST that you see it as an opportunity to GROW your skill set!

As part of my "professional pack" (the Oakley backpack I carry everywhere), I have some of my ESSENTIALS:
- Business Development Book (currently, "Linchpin" by Seth Godin. Thanks Rebecca!)
- Nashville Business Journal (to see what businesses and people I should be seeking to connect with)
- GRE Words to Know (growing my vocabulary and preparing for my test)
- iPod with "Mastering the Rockefeller Habits" by Verne Harnish in mp3

Don't get me wrong, every so often we all NEED a "break" in the day. At least if you are PREPARED, you can TRAIN outside of BATTLE, even if it is just sitting in your car listening to Verne on mp3 while you DREAM of a Corona on the beach...

Good employees train "not to lose," while real PROFESSIONALS train to WIN!


Zachary Barker | Senior Account Manager
Advanced Network Solutions
M | 615.504.7062

Past President, Nashville Area Junior Chamber of Commerce
w |

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