Morning Motivator – Keep Fishing or Cut Bait?

"The key to everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it open."
-Arnold Glasgow 

We are all CHALLENGED with the concern of when to stop giving more effort vs. stopping just before a breakthrough.  The FEAR we have most is making the wrong decision and having to suffer through its aftermath. 

If you CONTINUE to invest into a sinking ship, then you may lose TIME, MONEY and ENERGY.  If you cut out too soon, you may NEVER open door wide enough to let all the opportunity in.  So how do we GAUGE what the best action is? 

Using our INSTINCTS is a good play.  Often we have a very hard time LYING to ourselves.  If its time – its time.  You can use MEASUREMENTS, which will you show you the past, but not necessarily the future, so go back to your instincts.  You may also seek the MENTORSHIP and GUIDANCE of others.  They will offer good advice for THEIR solution, just make sure their vision is shared with yours. 

At the end of the day, we all live with our decisions – good or bad.  Either way, we all SURVIVE.  So knowing that whatever action you take won't be the end of the world, just ask yourself… 

"What does my GUT tell me is best to do?"  Then go with it.  It's that DECISION MAKING that makes you great.


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